Why Books?
Nowadays, there are countless ways to learn programming: courses, videos, blogs… But in my opinion, books remain the best source of knowledge. They allow for a deeper dive into a topic while also giving you a break from the screen.
In this article, I’ll share five books that will help you master clean code, design patterns, refactoring, and effective development practices.
Each of these books deserves a dedicated review, but here I’ll keep it brief.
1. «The Pragmatic Programmer» by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
This book isn’t about a specific programming language — it’s about the right mindset for software development. It will teach you to think like an experienced programmer, make well-reasoned decisions, and write maintainable code.
It lays the foundation for strong ideas and allows the right thoughts to take root.
Of all the books on this list, this one probably influenced my approach to development the most. The core message that stuck with me is painfully simple: “Think!”
Key Takeaways:
- Applicable to all programming languages and technologies.
- Teaches effective development practices.
- Helps you better organize your work.
ISBN: 9789353949433
2. «Clean Code» by Robert C. Martin
This book is a classic—an absolute must-have in every programmer’s library. It teaches you how to write clean and readable code, free from “code smells.”
One of the most valuable lessons I took from this book is the principle that “Code should tell a story.” When reading code, we shouldn’t have to focus on syntax or algorithms—we should immediately understand what the author intended.
Another fundamental idea it explores is that code is written once but read hundreds, if not thousands, of times. Keep that in mind the next time you write a line of code.
From my experience, Clean Code is useful for both beginners and experienced developers.
Some parts of the book are quite theoretical, so I recommend focusing on the most practical sections—Chapters 1-10 and 17. These contain the most valuable advice on writing clean code that can be applied to any project.
Key Takeaways:
- Learn to name things properly.
- Write clear and concise functions and classes.
- Understand what “code smells” are and how to avoid them.
ISBN: 0132350882
3. «Refactoring» by Martin Fowler
Refactoring is an essential part of every software project’s lifecycle.
This book will help you understand what refactoring is, how to approach it, and what pitfalls to avoid.
I don’t recommend rushing through it. Read it gradually, absorb the material, and practice along the way.
Key Takeaways:
- Learn when refactoring is necessary.
- Learn how to refactor safely.
- Get familiar with the core refactoring techniques.
ISBN: 0134757599
4. «Design Patterns» by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides
This book covers the famous “GoF” (Gang of Four) design patterns, named after its four authors.
I’d call this book the Programmer’s Reference Guide. It contains 23 design patterns that every developer should be aware of. Each pattern is an extra tool in your arsenal—the more tools you have, the more problems you can solve effectively.
I was lucky to get my hands on an original edition of this book in pristine condition. It’s one of those books you want to keep on display.
You don’t have to read it cover to cover. Familiarize yourself with the patterns and refer back to them when needed.
ISBN: 0201633612
Key Takeaways:
- Get to know the fundamental design patterns and their purposes.
5. A Book on Your Programming Language of Choice
The last book on this list depends on your specialization and the language you use.
Every programming language has its own canonical book that helps you understand its unique features and ecosystem. This is crucial—because the more comfortable you feel in a language, the easier it is to translate your ideas into code.
I’m deliberately not naming specific books and leaving this choice up to you.